Commercial Law



You may think that Commercial law and Business law both are same in the first place. But it is not so.

Commercial law deals with rights & conduct of people in trade, business or commerce. It is a branch of civil law. It is also called as trade law. Commercial law deals with both private law issues and public law issues. The focus of commercial law is on sale and distribution of goods. Also it may deal with finance transactions. Find the best lawyers for Commercial Law in Chennai.

Business law deals with business aspects like company formation, mergers and acquisitions. It also deals with issues regards to office leasing, warehousing etc.


Commercial Litigation

Commercial litigation refers to disputes upon business matters taken up with court.

Legal services relating to commercial law includes but not limited to the following.

Drafting of Business or Commercial contracts

There can be no business without contracts. You need to enter into contract at some point of time when doing business. It can be when procuring raw materials. Moreover, It can be marketing your products or services. It can also be when shipping or dispatching your products. You need to enter into contracts.

Contracts are the base of commercial litigation. There is a need to draw up a perfect contract in this age of commercialization. Contract write up should be clear enough so that a layman can understand its terms.

A contract should also be of detail to prevent willful misrepresentation in future. Drawing up a legal, sound and detailed contract takes a lot of time.

You need to exercise lot of precautions when formulating contract terms. Time and money spent on drafting a contract is worth it. During later stages you can avoid misunderstanding and inconveniences.

Legal advisory team to solve business issues in Chennai

Our advocates at Rajendra Law office all well versed with the issues that arise in business. Top Lawyers put in their great experience and resources for drafting a perfect contract. Meanwhile, All Senior advocates here ensure the contract suits your business interests the best.

By all means, the legal consultants step up for you right from drafting, signing and right up to full execution of the contract. Legal advisers will aid in all stages of contract execution. Most of all, We ensure to include rigid clauses to protect from misinterpretation. Finally, top legal advisory team ensure to have flexibility to the other party too.

Our contracts are complete in all respects. Our contracts will contains the right clauses about the following

  • Commercial Terms and condition
  • Termination Clauses
  • IP Ownership
  • Confidentiality
  • Technology Transfer
  • Turnkey Transactions
  • Distributorship
  • Trademark protection and so on.

Our attorneys at Advocate Saravvanan Rajendra Law associates specialize in drawing ‘E-Contracts’. Leading attorneys here have good knowledge about E-Contracts terms and clauses. In fact, the Civil lawyers are good at clauses like terms of use, privacy policy and service terms in our law office. IT Act, Contracts Act & others are being given due consideration when drafting E-Contracts.

Vetting of Business or Commercial Contract

The other party may draft the contract. You may have taken up a standard format of contract of someone else. It is wise to consult your attorney before signing on the dotted line. It can be dangerous to sign a contract prepared by others.

Your attorney is your best bet to discuss about the contract. Our attorneys assess contracts. They further include clauses in the best interests of our clients. Solicitors in Advocate saravvanan Rajendran law associates are good at drafting and vetting of the following.

  1. Commercial Agreements
  2. Memorandum of Understanding
  3. Commercial Agency agreements
  4. Confidentiality agreements
  5. Distributorship contracts
  6. Contract agreements
  7. Sub-contracting agreement
  8. Technology Transfer agreements
  9. Trademark Licensing agreement
  10. Trademark Assignment agreement
  11. Legal Compliance
  12. One stop solution for your contract vetting needs

NCLT Law Practice

National company law tribunal attorneys specialize in company registration and handling compliance. NCLT lawyers in Chennai handle matters relating to NCLT, IBC and other commercial laws.

NCLT handles all disputes relating to companies as per Companies Act 2013. By the way, NCLT gives a clear picture of Insolvency and bankruptcy code laws. IBC is a reprieve to handle quick disposal of insolvency and bankruptcy issues.

Our advocates aid you in resolving issues of corporate debts, insolvency issues & resolution. NCLT attorneys have good knowledge about Companies Act, IBC and other laws..

Legal Services under Bankruptcy and insolvency laws
  • Consultation for Insolvency and Bankruptcy issues.
  • Advisory services for secured and unsecured creditors claims against your company
  • Filing for Bankruptcy with NCLT.
  • Representation on your behalf in courts/ NCLT
  • Representation before liquidators and receivers.
Alternative Dispute Resolution

Alternative Dispute Resolution is the alternate method of settling disputes without litigation. It can be mediation, negotiation, arbitration etc. ADR is cost and time effective.

Legal help in the following alternative dispute resolutions methods
  1. Mediation
  2. Conciliation
  3. Neutral Evaluation
  4. Pre-Arbitral Referee
  5. Mini-trial
  6. Contract re-negotiation
Civil Lawyers good at handling following litigation issues:
  • Breach of Contract
  • Partnership Disputes
  • Shareholder disputes
  • Director disputes
  • Private Deals
  • Regulatory Investigations and Litigation
  • Privacy & Cyber-security
  • Fraud
  • Injunctions
  • Debt recovery
Commercial law advisory

Gone are the days when you used seek attorneys when you want to litigate. Advocates are core part of your business. You need them right from business incorporation up to its closure. Our attorneys ensure that your business remain legal compliance and free from litigation.

Top Advisory services for Commercial Law

  1. Intellectual Property Rights advisory services
  2. Commercialization advisory services
  3. Start up advisory services
  4. Engagement of contracts like Joint Venture Agreements, Distribution Agreements, Employment Agreements etc.
  5. Advisory services for any other commercial law disputes

Search No.1 Commercial law attorneys in Chennai

Mainly Commercial law practice aims to provide advice on commercial and corporate matters. Leading attorneys near by are good at identifying and handling legal issues. Top Civil lawyers provide effective solutions for all legal issues in Chennai.

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