Divorce Transfer Petition in supreme Court

Top Supreme court lawyers for transfer petition in Divorce cases at Chennai | ADVOCATES FOR DIVORCE TRANSFER PETITION IN SUPREME COURT

Are you struck with the divorce case in unknown area where your spouse live ?. Don’t Worry. Top Supreme Court Advocates for Divorce Transfer Petition will solve all your problems. Bring in the case to the Court near your place.


As per Sec. 25 of Civil Code Procedure, Supreme court has the power to transfer proceedings. , appeal or case from one state’s High court/Civil court to another state’s High court/Civil court. In fact, Advocate Saravanan Rajendran Law associates offer the best legal services for divorce transfer petition in supreme court


Supreme Court orders case transfer when it is necessary for proper Justice in the first place. Wide powers vest with Supreme Court to make it comfortable for all to seek justice.

Transfer Petition for Divorce cases with Supreme Court

You can file transfer petition for divorce case with Supreme Court. Husband files divorce case at matrimonial home. The wife may be staying at parental home of some other state. It may not be possible for her to visit matrimony home due to varied reasons. Under such scenario a wife can apply for divorce transfer petition at Supreme Court

Husbands need not suffer always with transfer petitions. They can counter allegations of their wife and protect them harassment. The defense actions can be any of the following

  1. A wife applied for divorce transfer petition on the grounds of having minor child. Husband can defend against transfer petition reasoning grandparents can take care of children.
  1. A wife has applied for divorce transfer petition on the grounds of far distance. Husband can sponsor 2nd class AC ticket and lodging and boarding expenses for the wife to travel
  1. Men who have kids in their custody can get favorable transfer proceedings.

Important tips for filing Divorce Transfer Petition

A brief synopsis

Your Divorce transfer petition should give short outline about reasons for case transfer. You reason should be to the point and crisp. Mention the facts seeking the transfer.

Case Details

Give details of the case you want to have it transferred from one court to another. Enlist the court you favor the transfer of case.

Reasons or Grounds

A few of the reasons or grounds you can give for case transfer in your transfer petition are as below:

  • Influential spouse’s family hampering fair trial
  • Danger to the petitioner’s life as spouse’s family being influential
  • Single women without any family support is a good ground for seeking case transfer
  • Medical ailments are also good ground. You need to attachment medical proof
  • Parent’s old age and ill health is also good reason
  • Simultaneous Jurisdiction
  • When Wife is not working, no income is good reason
4 Pray for Interim Relief

You must also request in your transfer petition interim relief. You need to request stay of your case proceedings

Documents to file for Divorce Transfer Petition in Supreme Court

The following are some of the important documents to file divorce transfer request

  • Transfer petition should go with an sworn affidavit from the applicant
  • Transfer petition should contain all annexure of the petition. A payment of court fee of INR 2 per annexure is mandatory
  • Along with Original transfer petition , you need to submit 5 extra copies & annexures. Remember these documents need proper bounding in a file
  • There is no court fee for divorce transfer petition in Supreme Court of India
  • Index of the transfer petition gets prepared by lawyers . Place it on top of the transfer petition
  • A cover page also gets prepared by lawyers for filing transfer petition. Cover page contains title and important case details.
  • Your lawyer helps you to prepare an application for interim relief./ exemption /stay. You have to file this application along with transfer petition.
  • Submit Memo of appearance along with a court fee of INR 5 .

Who can file divorce transfer petition in Supreme Court?

In India, it is common to find a wife filing a transfer petition. The popular grounds seeking transfer of the case are no income. , life threat., prejudice in jurisdiction and so on. Even Husband has fair chance of filing divorce transfer petition.

Our law gives fair chance to husband to apply or contest a transfer petition. The popular reasons for petition or contest -ailment, aged & sick parents., leave from work and so on.

Mediation through Lok Adalat

Supreme Court can direct divorce transfer petition to Lok Adalat or Mediation center. It is the Hazari or karkardooma court. The main aim of such reference to the mediation court is to bring the parties of the petition face to face.

It helps in resolving differences between the parties. Across the table reconciliation and cordial settlement is main goal of mediation center. Sitting Judge of the Supreme court acts as mediator & facilitator. He helps to achieve broad understanding between the parties.

This move by Supreme court has given a great success. Mediators adopt out of box approach and practicability to resolve disputes

How can a supreme court lawyer help you?

Advocate Saravvanan Rajendran Law firm attorneys  understand the emotional stress you undergo during your divorce proceedings. Added to that in case the jurisdiction of the trial is not convenient to you, contact expert attorneys today.

Call top supreme court law firm

Top advocates team in Chennai will guide through filing divorce transfer petition with Supreme Court. These lawyers have enormous experience in handling divorce cases and petitions. Call top supreme court law firm today and fix up an appointment with a senior lawyer.

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