Cyber Crime Law

Top Cyber crime advocates in Chennai

Find Top Advocates for Cyber Crime Law in Chennai. The Best Cyber Crime Lawyers will solve the issues in Online Banking fraud cases, Social media Crime Charges, Telecom disputes, etc,.


Over the decade there has been drastic improvement in Information Technology world. There is improvement in eCommerce and Internet. Cyber world is prone to host of challenges. It is necessary to understand Cyber laws and regulations.


How can a Cyber crime advocates help you?

The following are our exemplary services of Cyber Crime Law that include:


Our team helps individuals and corporate to recover losses from cyber crime. We represent you in arbitration process. We support you through negotiation and conciliation too.


Online cyber defamation can happen to any person. There may be damage to a person’s reputation or character. The damage can be through social networking site like facebook, instagram or whatsapp. It can also be through email or internet. Our lawyers help aggrieved party to track all defamation details. We also aid you in finding actual reasons for defamation. We strive until the guilty gets punished and you receive fair compensation.

How can a Cyber crime advocates help you? | LITIGATION OF CYBER CRIME |  ONLINE CYBER DEFAMATION


Advocate Saravvanan Rajendran Law associates specialize in many cyber areas, they are as follows

  • email spam
  • Trademark advice
  • Partner dispute
  • Contracts dispute
  • Copyrights
  • Patents
  • Defense in cyber crime
  • Disputes of domain name
  • Unauthorized access
  • Cyber proceedings consultation

Our Lawyers help you in drafting e-contracts relating to website and web pages. It can be privacy policy. / terms of use / data and information security agreements / website agreements.


Our team assists you in Cyber Law Compliance Audit and other compliance audit as per Cyber Laws of India. We assist corporate and firms across varied industries.


Cyber lawyers in Chennai even assist organization in reviewing legal contracts. The contracts may be employment agreements or service agreements. It can also include founder’s agreement or vendor sale agreements.


Advocate Saravvanan Rajendran law associates offer one stop services for all cyber crime law matters. In fact, criminal lawyers here provide excellent cyber law consulting services to all forms of enterprise. Of course, the court practicing attorneys in this law office are efficient in handling processes like e-publishing, e-commerce and software services.

Cyber Crime Detection and Investigation

Expert solicitors draft website legal documents and technical legal agreements. Even though our criminal advocates practice in various court, they assist in cyber crime detection and investigation. Hi-tech is mantra for various cyber solutions, our senior attorneys in Chennai are good at gathering electronic evidence. Meanwhile they help in mobile and web application audit too.


Our Lawyers have experience in handling matters of cyber law and hacking investigation. They are

  1. Credit card frauds.
  2. online defamation.
  3. illegal downloading.
  4. bank robbery.
  5. Virus creation & distribution
  6. pornography.
  7. Technology crime
  8. Online infringement of IP rights

We assist you in case of infringement of trademark. Sometimes another person may use your trademark without your permission. This is trademark infringement. Our cyber law team finds out the factors of trademark violation. They draw out similarities and client’s trademark strength. Our lawyers assess the intent of infringer.

How To File A Cyber Crime Complaint?

Many people would have lost their hard earned honey to online criminals. Some people may be suffering due to matrimonial scam. They may be confusion and unable to comprehend next steps. It can be like where and how to file cyber crime complaint? What evidences to provide? What is the waiting time and follow up procedure etc.?

Filing Cyber Crime Complaint

Be Bold and face it! Our advocates are always ready to lend you a helping hand in filing cyber crime complaint. The complaints can be online and offline too. We know it is very distressing for you to have your situation under control. We recommend that every person should be aware about raising cyber crime complaint.

Process of filing cyber crime complaint:

You can give written complaint about cyber crime in Chennai at the following address.

Chennai Cyber Crime Cell

Commissioner of Police, Greater Chennai Police,
No. 132, Commissioner Office Building,
EVK Sampath Road, Vepery,
Chennai – 600007
Contact: (044) 28512527
Email ID:,
Web: http: //

Steps to File a Cyber Crime Complaint

Step 1:

You can register cyber complaint with cyber crime cell anywhere in India. The place of crime occurrence is not a criteria for registering a complaint.

Step 2:

When preparing a cyber complaint remember to give important details. They are name, full address, phone numbers and email id. The complaint should address the head of cyber crime cell.

Step 3:

It is wise to take up legal counsel in case you are victim of harassment. Our lawyers will help you in drafting complaint and registering FIR with police. We ensure you have all document evidence for registering your complaint.

Step 4:

In case you do not have any access to cyber cell you can file FIR with local police station. If police do not accept your complaint you can approach a Magistrate. Our attorneys will guide you through the process.

Step 5:

Our consultants will navigate you through entire process. court. We strive to get justice served.

Step 6:

Our lawyers explain the process of technicalities of the issue with police

Step 7:

Liasoning with police is necessary to have your FIR registered. We handle the matter with ease and efficiency.

Step 8:

We gather various evidences from client and present the same to police

Step 9:

Representation of client all through trial and provide sound legal advice.

Step 10:

We inquire about the case progress with police and other departments

Do I need a cyber crime lawyer?

Let us decide about hiring a cyber crime lawyer after analyzing following scenarios

You break up with your ex. To get back at you, your ex may use social media to defame you. Your ex can even steal your passwords. S/he and handle your debit or credit card. Here your ex is indulging in cyber theft. Your Criminal Lawyers will advice you about legal steps to stop such cyber crime.

Personal information and blackmail in Facebook

Some people accept friend requests on facebook from unknown people. It is as good as opening up your house for strangers and thieves. They can steal your personal information and blackmail you. There can be even morphing of your photos. It is better to be safe than sorry. Be cautious. Your Cyber Crime Lawyer is the right person to guide to such problems.

Need a Cyber Crime Lawyer

Imagine a child custody battle where a father seeking child custody. He posts about pot smoking in social media may not get favorable outcome at court. A good Cyber Crime lawyer will be able to offer advice about such things.

Contact Leading Cyber Crime Lawyers in Chennai

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