Rent Control Act Litigation

Who is the best Lawyer for Rent Control Act Litigation ?. | Rent control act advocates, Landlord tenant issues

Find the Best Advocates for Rent Control Act Litigation in Chennai.


Introduction : The Hiring of property / home is being regulated by Rent Control Act. Presently, Each state in India has its own rent control Act. Let us understand how this Act protects interests of landlords and tenants.

Find the Best Advocates for Rent Control Act Litigation in Chennai. 

When a tenant takes up a home on rent or when a landlord lets out it his property on rent, it comes under Rent Control Act. Few States in India have their own rent control act. Delhi has ‘Rent Control Act 1958’, Chennai has ‘Tamil Nadu Buildings (Lease and Rent Control) Act 1960’ and so on

Rent control act aims to resolve disputes between tenant and landlord. The power to settle tenant-owner dispute vests with rent court alone. One must contact a good RCOP lawyer in Chennai to solve Rental issues.

What is Rent Control Act ? 

Rent control Act is a collection of laws. By and large, It aims to regulate rent charged by landlord and limits reasons for tenant eviction. The landlord can sometimes evict tenant to get around rent limit or vice versa. This act ensures to regulate such acts.

This act gives reasonable tenure security to the tenants. And it regulates the landlords’ influence in evicting his tenants

Main Features of Rent Control Act

It is common knowledge that Rent Control Act provides security to tenants. It restricts eviction of tenants by landlords. This Act cut loopholes of deceit both by landlords and tenants. The following are the features of rent control act:

  • Th Act lays down various laws on property renting. It assists tenants in choosing good rental accommodation.
  • The Act lays out fair and standard rental range for a property. In most circumstances a landlord cannot ask his tenants to pay more than this range.
  • The act protects tenants from landlord’s discrimination and unfair eviction.
  • The Act describes responsibilities and obligations of landlord towards their tenants. It is in respect to property maintenance.
  • The act also defines landlord’s right on tenants, who fail their obligations. The failed obligation of tenant may be failure to make timely rent payment or misuse of property and so on.

How Rent Control Act protects Tenants ?. 

Rent control act makes sure tenants are not evicted on unreasonable cause. Of course, This act has various protections for tenants who face eviction. This act commands a landlord not to withhold essential service of tenant without cause. Civil advocates in our law firm offer the best rent control litigation services in Chennai. 

As per the act the landlord has to handle drawing up and registering of rental agreement. On the other hand, as per the act it is compulsory to give written receipts for rental payments by tenants. Failure to provide rental receipt is a punishable offence.

How Rent Control Act protects Landlords

The act helps landlords to recover rented property possession on valid reasons. Suppose a tenant has alternate accommodation. In such a case the act also supports a landlord in enforcing his right to recover his rented premises.

Many a time rental premises are old and not in good condition. In the same way, the Act allows landlord to use their right to construct new buildings in accordance to law.

Situations where Rent Control Act is not applicable

The Act is not applicable to:

  • Properties let out or sub-let out to banks, public sector undertakings or
  • Any corporation established under state or central act or
  • Foreign missions, multinational companies or international agencies,
  • Let out premises of private and public limited companies having share capital Rs 1 crore or more.
Can a Landlord remove a Tenant with a Rent-Control Agreement ?

The answer is yes. At any rate, a landlord can end a rental agreement on reasonable grounds. In any case, Without justifiable reason the eviction is illegal. The following are justifiable reasons:

  • Violation of significant term in the rental agreement by the tenant
  • Indulging in illegal activities on the premises by the tenant
  • Landlord or his immediate family wants to shift to rented out property
  • Proposed alteration of rental property that needs it to be vacant

The reasons allowed and the procedures involved may have enormous variation as a result. At any rate, ensure to check with your Civil lawyer in Chennai.

Status of Tenancy

Tenants can be two types – Contractual tenant or statutory tenant.

A contractual tenant is arguably a tenant who occupies the premises. He gets entitlement of premises possession during the contract term.

Statutory tenant is actually a tenant who holds premises position after termination of contract at this point.

Fixation of Fair Rent

Landlord can approach a Rent Court to fix fair rent even during the rental agreement tenure. As a matter of fact, the fair rent of residential premises is a percentage of premise’s total value. Moreover, It consists of market value of land, construction cost as per Public Works Department and amenities value. But the value is subject to depreciation. If fair rent is more than current rent, a tenant has to pay fair rent fixed by court.

Who is the Best Lawyer for Rent Control Act Litigation ?. 

Above all, Civil advocates in our law firm are a team of attorneys specialized in rent control disputes. Be it an issue of tenant eviction or rental hike, we have handled both cases both for landlords and tenants. In fact, We give utmost importance to our client’s issue. Meanwhile, We explain the rights and obligation of landlord and tenant. In the first place, We strive to bring justice to your issue at the earliest possible time.

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