Best Advocates for Railway Claim Tribunal in Chennai High Court

Best Advocates for Railway Claim Tribunal in Chennai

Advocate Saravvanan Rajendran Law Chamber offers the best Legal support services for Railway Claims tribunal. In India, Railways administration not only handles operating railway but beyond that. The railway functions include handling the following

  • Loss / Damage Of Goods Or Passengers Of Train
  • Non Delivery Of Goods Booked With Railways
  • Death Of Passengers
  • Thefts And Accidents Of Passengers
  • And Many More Issues

however,In early days there were plenty of cases of running in normal courts. It had become very difficult to gets fast adjudication through these courts. The court procedures were also a bit complex to the common man. Hence, Railway Claims Tribunal got established through Railways Claims Tribunal Act.

Best Advocates for Railway Claims Tribunal in Chennai

Railway Claims Tribunal ensures speedy justice to users and passengers. It speeds up payment of compensation to victims of rail accidents and lost or damaged goods. There are various benches of railway tribunal across India for people’s easy access.

Mission and aim of Railway Claim Tribunal

Railway Claims Tribunal exists to achieve the following goals:

  • Give expeditious and speedy adjudication to the affected people
  • Offer a simple and less formality in making claims with the specialized tribunal
  • Give better access to justice through benches in all over the country
  • Bring down the burden of courts of law that used to handle railway cases

Railway Claim Tribunal Jurisdiction and Power

Best Advocates for Railway Claim Tribunal in Chennai

Railway Claim Tribunal has all powers, authority & jurisdiction like any civil court. Claims commissioner gets appointed under railway Act provisions. He has responsibility as mentioned in Railways Act about

  • however,Compensation for non-delivery, damages, destruction of goods booked with railways
  • Compensation payable as per Railway Act Rules there-under
  • Fare/ freight refund claims or part thereof

Railway Claim Tribunal -RCT Benches

The Tribunal to offer better access to people established its benches all over India. The Principal bench is at Delhi. There are around 21 benches of RCT including the principal bench. Majority of major cities has RCT.

Railway Claims Tribunal Procedure

The Railway Claims Tribunal Act lays down the
procedure & powers of Claims Tribunal.

  • RCT does not follow the procedure laid down by Code of Civil Procedure
  • But the tribunal will follow principles of natural justice. It is subject to other provisions and rules of the Act
  • The tribunal has power to plan and regulate its own procedure. It can fix the time and place of inquiry also
Compensation in Railway Claim Tribunal

Railway Claim Tribunal aims to give fast relief & release early payments as compensation. some common scenarios are as under:

  • Injury and death from railway accident and untoward. The claimant has to file his direct claim before the tribunal.
  • Damage, destruction, non-delivery and others losses for goods booked in railways
  • Refund of freight or fare with non satisfied claimant etc
Appeals in High court

A person who is not happy with the order of Railway Claim Tribunal can file an appeal.however, Railway Claims Tribunal Act lays down the process of appeal.

One can make an appeal against Claims tribunal order-not interlocutory. however,You need to appeal with High Court of the respective Jurisdiction of the bench.

No appeals is acceptable over the order passed by the tribunal with the consent of parties

however,You need to make Appeals within 90 days of the order appealed against.

Do you need a lawyer make Railway Claims?

As per Act a person who makes application with claims tribunal has the options. He can appear in person or can take legal practitioner help to present his case. Railway administration may allow its officer or legal practitioner as its presenting officers.

Composition of Railway Claims Tribunal

Railway Claims Tribunal consists of Chairman 4 Vice-Chairman and few Judicial & Technical Members. – as the Central Government may deem fit. Bench may also have one Judicial Member and one Technical member. Chairman is the top authority of the Railway Claims Tribunal.

Railway Claims Tribunal Website – http://www.claims.indianrail.gov.in

RCT Website offers access to cause list, status of the case and judgments. however,You can know about the daily order of the tribunal. It give info to users about the Acts, RCT rule and Railway Act. One can learn about the provisions & notification about various circular in this website. The forms for loss and damage are available in this website. This site details about the aims, jurisdiction and benches etc.

Top Law Firm for Railway Claim Tribunals

With Railway Claims Tribunal justice has become accessible to all class of people. People are happy with speedy and easy way of seeking resolution for their claims. Railway Claims Tribunal reduced the burden of courts across the country.

Top Law Firm for Railway Claim Tribunals

Advocate Saravvanan Rajendran Law Chambers is the best Law firm with a team of best lawyers to handle your railway claims be it injury, accident or loss of your loved ones or goods. however, These attorneys are here to hear your problems. They have great experience in handling claims with the Railway claims tribunal. Most of all, This Law firm offer you the legal service in such a way that you can claim the compensation.

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