Real estate law

Best Solicitors and Advocates for Real estate law in Chennai

The Real estate contract begins when they start the connection between an agent and principal. Under the Real estate Agency Contract, the principal offer power to do certain things. That is in his foremost’s place. In return for the work gave by the principal to follow up for his foremost’s sake. The primary pays the agent a charge or commission. Agents are not always representatives. The refinement between an principal and an agent is the level of control and strategy. Meanwhile it is for compensation. A central tells the specialist what he needs and abandons it to the operator how to realize the outcome. A business, then again, instructs the property agent and how to do it. Besides, that principal pay a commission that ends up payable for agent. Those are mostly when he acquires the outcome. Just ask our advocates to overcome issues of real estate disputes in Chennai.

Best Real estate advocates

In the case of a Property representative, rather, the owner pays a compensation. For eg., they are all for period of hours he works paying little respect. Moreover it is to regardless of whether the outcome is proficient. Real estate land Agents are a specific sort of specialists. A land owner follows up for the benefit of his important. It is quite often the Seller, yet can likewise follow up for a Buyer. They work for the interest of both Property Seller and Buyer in the meantime. These are subject to specific confinements. The Real estate agency agreement will reveal out the terms and conditions.

Lawyers for real estate issues

Find the best Criminal Advocates for a perfect legal opinion services Criminal lawyers must understand you seek legal opinion and bank on the same for crucial decisions of your life. Attorneys here exercise extreme caution and care in preparing legal opinion in reality. As a matter of fact, A good legal opinion helps in effective advocacy. At the same time, It gives credibility. Moreover, It communicates subject knowledge of attorney. You get brief purview and possible legal approaches to resolve the issue by the same token. Contact legal experts in this best law firm today for the unbiased and accurate criminal legal opinion.

Criminal legal opinion

Find the Best Advocates for Criminal Legal Opinion in Chennai. ADVOCATES FOR CRIMINAL LEGAL OPINION What are a Legal Opinion and its need? Legal opinion is also known as opinion letter. Advocates issue legal opinion letter expressing legal conclusion and legal analysis in the first place. Legal opinion may be about civil or criminal matter. […]

Criminal legal opinion

ADVOCATES FOR CONSUMER PROTECTION LAW Industrial development has left Indian markets flooded with goods and services. The Indian market satisfies the appetite of enormous consumers. Consumers are prone to exploitation. It is necessary to protect consumers from adulterated and substandard goods or services. Enforcement of Consumer protection Act in 1986 was a great relief to consumers. Who is a consumer ? Consumer is the person who buys a product or service for his own use. He does not resell the same. The product or service is for self use. Good or services is not meant for resale or commercial use. The definition of consumer as per Consumer Protection Act explains consumer as: A person who bought goods in return for consideration A person who uses buyerโ€™s goods with his approval Beneficiary of services A person who hires services in return for consideration A person who uses hirerโ€™s services with his approval Who can file a complaint? The following people can file a Consumer complaint: Consumer Consumer association registered under companies act or any other law Central or state government Consumers groups having same interest Unregistered association cannot file complaint. Also you cannot file a complaint representing unidentifiable consumers. What are the reasons for complaining? A complaint can contain any of the following accusations Any unfair or restrictive trade practice engaged by trader Good bought or agreed for buying has defects Services hired or availed has deficiency Excess price charged above law limit Hazardous goods sold without display information What is the time limit within which a consumer can file a consumer complaint? It is advisable to file a complaint as early as possible. But, you need to file a complaint within 2 years from the date of cause. The court accepts complaints even beyond 2 years provided valid reasons for delay. What are the remedies you can seek for your complaint? The following are the remedies a consumer can seek for his complaint under the Act. Removal of defect from goods in the complaint Replacement of goods with new or similar ones at free of cost Refund the price or goods or services to the complainant Compensate consumer for any loss or injury Correct deficiencies in service Stop unfair or restrictive trade practices in future Stop selling and withdraw hazardous goods Provide costs of complainant Consumer Protection Councils Consumers can seek and enforce their consumer rights through consumer councils. In India consumer councils are both at state and central level. District consumer protection council comes under state government. This council promotes and protects consumer interests. These councils conduct investigations. They offer publicity relating to consumer issues. They create consumer awareness and offer consumer education. They protect consumers from exploitation. They offer advice to government on various policies. Rights of consumers The main aim of consumer council is to protect and promote consumer rights. The following are the consumer rights Right to get protected against hazardous goods Right to information of goods or service like quality, quantity and so on. It protects consumers from unfair trade practice Rights to get assured for variety of goods and services at competitive prices Right of hearing at appropriate forums. Assurance that consumer interestโ€™s will have due consideration Rights to seek redressal against unfair trade practice Right to consumer education Consumer Protection Forums A consumer can file complaint for his grievances under the respective redressal forums District Consumer Disputes Redressal Forums Every district of a state in India has District Forums. They accept complaints based on value and compensation for goods and services. This amount should not exceed Rs.20 lakhs. The jurisdiction of District Forums depends on the opposite party location. It also depends on where business works or action arises. State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission Every state in India has State Consumer commission. They accept complaints of value and compensation above INR 20 lakhs but less than INR 1 crore. National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission It is the top most consumer forum in India. National Consumer Commission can accept complaints amount exceeding INR 1 crore. Appeal When you are not happy with the order of district forum you can appeal your case with state commission. Against state commission you can appeal with National Commission. Against a national commission order you can appeal with Supreme Court. You can file appeal with next level within 30 days of receipt of order by the applicant. Penalties for non-compliance When a person fails to follow order of forums then he gets punished with imprisonment. Imprisonment can be for a period of 1 month to 3 years. Else he may get fined with INR 2000 to 10,000. Else you can get punished with both fine and imprisonment. Find the best advocate for consumer protection law Our advocates at Rajendra Law office will guide you through registering your complaint. Do not ignore your grievances. Be bold enough to raise your complaint. We will guide you through the entire process of the forum. We ensure that you get fair compensation and justice.

Consumer protection Law

ADVOCATES FOR CONSUMER PROTECTION LAW Industrial growth has left Indian markets flooded with goods and services. The Indian market satisfies the appetite of huge consumers base. Customers are prone to exploitation. It is necessary to protect consumers from adulterated and substandard goods or services. Enforcement of Consumer protection Act in 1986 was a great relief

Consumer protection Law

Construction accident case Lawyers in chennai

Construction Accident Cases

Find the Best Advocates for Construction Accident Cases in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. ADVOCATES FOR CONSTRUCTION ACCIDENT CASES Construction Industry in India is the second largest industry employing more people. The workers employed in construction industry are disorderly labor. Out of every 1000 workers 165 of them get injured in the work site. Construction workers

Construction Accident Cases

Our Construction lawyers have enormous experience is handling construction disputes. Civil attorneys usually recommend the resolution in the following order. Prevention, negotiation, conciliation and adjudication method of dispute resolution. The dispute resolution clause should be in line with project requirements. It should also meet partiesโ€™ expectation. Senior Advocates will advice on cost effective and comprehensive dispute resolution.

Construction Law Disputes: How to Find the Right Lawyer?

Construction projects can be complex and involve numerous parties, such as developers, contractors, architects, and engineers, leading to the possibility of disputes arising. In fact, These disputes can result in significant delays, added costs, and even litigation. In such situations, it is essential indeed to have a knowledgeable and experienced construction law attorney to protect

Construction Law Disputes: How to Find the Right Lawyer? Read More ยป


Property Auction

ADVOCATES FOR PROPERTY AUCTION IN CHENNAI In this bad phase of the economy there is instability of jobs. Many people are defaulting on home loans. Under such circumstances the lenders i.e. the banks can repossess the property in a legal way. Such repossessed properties gets sold through physical auctions or e-auctions. Contact top advocates for

Property Auction

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