Acceptance of Pecuniary Amounts does not Make Itself a Bribe

Mere Acceptance of Pecuniary Amounts does not Make Itself a Bribe: Mere acceptance of any pecuniary amount does not make it bribe itself under sections 7 and 13 (1)(d) of the Prevention of Corruption Act. The conviction was upheld by the High Court. But the Supreme Court reversed the judgment in the appeal. The court further observed that there is only a witness to allege the demand and acceptance. The PW1 was also failed to prove the demand for bribes by the accused. Therefore the court acquitted the accused from the charges of Offence. (K. Shanthamma Vs State of Telangana)

Acceptance of Pecuniary Amounts does not Make Itself a Bribe Best Advocates in Chennai | Top Law Firm in India 24/7
Acceptance of Pecuniary Amounts does not Make Itself a Bribe Best Advocates in Chennai | Top Law Firm in India 24/7

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